The Autry Technology Center Teen Tech Academy, held from June 3-14, offered an exciting opportunity...
Moving the Housing Study Forward
The housing study conducted by ERDA and the City of Enid in 2023 sheds light on crucial factors impacting housing in the region:
- Shortage of Rental Properties: Limited availability of rental housing
- Shortage of Lots (Greenfield and Infill): Scarce land for new housing development
- Aging Housing Stock and Maintenance Demands: Aging homes in need of upkeep and upgrades
- Historical Economic Fluctuations: Memories of past oil booms and busts affecting housing demand
- Vance Air Force Base’s Rotating Assignment: Constant movement of military personnel in and out of the area
- Rising Cost of Building Materials: Escalating construction expenses
Hats off to the City of Enid and the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (MAPC) for their efforts in addressing zoning issues. Updating zoning regulations plays a vital role in fostering development and tackling the challenges we've identified. By carefully evaluating zoning in specific areas for redevelopment and infill, we can ensure that community needs are met while promoting growth. This strategic approach allows for thorough planning and helps prevent unintended consequences that can arise from blanket changes.
We are actively exploring various strategies to tackle housing issues in Enid:
- Collaborating with developers to establish investment criteria for our community
- Assessing property availability for potential housing development
- Evaluating infrastructure readiness for projects
- Providing housing options to cater to diverse budgets
In the upcoming year, we will convene focus groups to brainstorm solutions for these challenges. It's important to remember that housing concerns extend beyond Enid - it is a national issue that demands innovative solutions.
If you are interested in participating in discussions about housing solutions, please comment below to stay connected.