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Letter from the Director: Collaboration is KING for our Region

Collaboration is required for Enid Regional Development Alliance to be successful in its mission. Kindling Innovation and Nurturing Growth will result in sustainable economic vitality for our region. ERDA is fortunate to have multiple partners within our region that provide expertise and insight on a variety of fronts. From financial to infrastructure to workforce, we must partner with people who have the best interests of our region at heart. 

Unposed group of creative business people in an open concept office brainstorming their next project.-1Collaboration not only sparks innovation and growth but also creates a ripple effect that nurtures a thriving ecosystem conducive to job creation and economic stability. As aptly put by Ronald Reagan, "By working together, pooling our resources, and building our strengths, we can accomplish great things," highlighting the power of unified efforts in achieving collective success. Moreover, collaboration plays a vital role in developing the essential components necessary for sustaining job creation and economic stability, including talent recruitment, enhancing quality of life, and addressing various community needs. Steven Deller's insights in "Cooperation for Community Economic Development" further emphasize the significant impact of working together in navigating the complexities of economic development towards mutually beneficial outcomes. In essence, collaboration serves as the cornerstone for achieving sustainable economic vitality and fostering a supportive environment for the continuous growth and prosperity of our community.

We are grateful for our current membership and partners for helping us reach new levels of collaboration. We are determined to continue the positive trajectory and are looking forward to growth in our membership and opportunities to collaborate with additional partners. If you are interested in becoming a member and/or collaborating with our team on a project, we are here to help. Together we can shape the economic landscape and ensure the vibrancy of our community.